Hobbies and Interests
What I do, What I like and what makes me who I am. Basically, from what context was Jürg moulded.

My love for sports was probably inherited from family genetics. As far back as I know, generations from my father's side always had a deep interest in sports.
My spin on it is that I also played many sports. My interests in sports are rooted in what the code represents which ultimately reveals another dynamic, the way athletes think.
It brings out who they are when sports are mini-simulation tests of life. The difference is, you get a chance to correct your shortcomings and try again. Life doesn't work like that, but what would you do if you could come back and do life again.

Books,Movies and Television
I like watching them, reading them and hopefully one day being able to create them.
The more I learn about videography and video editing, lighting and sound, I get increasingly excited to craft one of my movie scripts into production.
According to many movies watched, I came to seek out stories which are strange, dark and mysterious, especially when they are psychologically stimulating.
I find stories particularly interesting when antagonists become the hero because I like to understand what caused their odd behaviour. Normally, it is a life-changing fight which created their perspective of life which the pretty in pink hero (protagonist) and audience don't think about.
My favourites revolve around works from Stephen King, Tim Burton and Fantasy.
Consequently, I get puppy eyes when faced with the following works.
Movies - Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, Joker, Adams Family, Matrix, you get the Idea.
Series - Wednesday, Supernatural, Sanctuary, and on and on and on
Favourite Actors - Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter

Probably due to my search for understanding people better, I am always intrigued with what reality caused certain unusual behaviour. While my dear Mom allowed me to get lost in her old psychology textbooks, I started to appreciate that odd personality always has an origin. A battle of sorts with life. Not all battles are won like in the movies just because the hero is pretty, muscular or whatever the mainstream population dubbed as popular.
We all feel different from the world in some way. We all want approval. Instead of trying to conform to normal, I'd like it if we embraced our differences.
Pets (Dogs)
Pets, especially dogs have a special place in my heart. Somehow, I get along with every single one of them, even those I meet for the very first time.
My feeling is that we shouldn't attempt contacting Aliens until we're able to communicate successfully with creatures on earth. What, are we expecting them to speak English?
Birds are also an example of how we should approach life. Not having a wallet, food security for the next day don't stop them from being free and happy.
I trust a dog's instincts more than any stranger's. Just another example of how twisted humans became with telling lies or spreading our perspectives as facts.

Eating good food is satisfying. Making good food is fulfilling and sharing good food with friends and family is zen.
As a people pleaser, I love to put smiles on the faces of those who are dear to me. Doing it in an unsuspecting setting like at a home or while camping makes the experience epic.

There is something relaxing about woodworking. Crafting something with your hands. I believe it is the same with crafting something out of any other material. Yes, I strongly believe that it is an art which reflects your abilities, but you're creating something which doesn't only look good, but something that is functional.
Building something for your home has its advantages. You craft something according to non-standard specifications which are customised to your specific needs. Thereafter, you look at it every day, hopefully, proud of your creation.
I've made quite a few furniture pieces for my home and will continue to do so.

Yes, learning. The way we learn changed over the years. Most of the time when we want to find out how to do something which interests us or could improve our life situation, we can find it on the internet. We type a question and answers pop up. If we want someone to show us, we look at a video, mostly published on YouTube.
I still feel more comfortable with a book, but they aren't always accessible, and mostly come with an overload of information to our question.
See the courses I've completed here, but I've learned a lot more on YouTube.
In school, the education I got was good, but we learned what was prescribed, not so much what we wanted to know. Now, many years later, I learn what I want to know. The downside is that the world we live in became so used to people lying about their skills which leads to employers seeking documented proof from an educational institution rather than proof of ability.
Fortunately, I mostly work for myself and merely learn skills that make me better at doing my job. Somehow, when I do enrol in a course, I do a lot better when considering test scores than what I used to get in school. Now I frustrate institutions by requesting more details about my mistakes because I feel that I paid money to know what they had to teach and shortcomings are a sign of failing at that. Regardless of whether the mark is acceptable to them, even if I passed with a 98% mark, it means that I didn't fully grasp their entire lesson.