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We are here to capture your Excellence.
Many legends came from Bloemfontein. Hansie Cronje, Wayde Van Niekerk, Rassie Erasmus and Kobus Barnard. Don't know who Kobus Barnard is? This is exactly why BFN Sport Results exist.
Kobus is only one of many athletes who stay in Bloemfontein, has a full-time job, speaks Afrikaans and invests in his sport out of his own pocket. Mr. Barnard is an Archery World Champion. A sport most don't even know existed in Bloemfontein. This is one story of thousands that don't fall into the popular money-making category which traditional media covers. Do you know of achievements that should have received more attention?
BFN Sport Results helps to capture those moments, so look into our service section and let's discuss an obligation-free solution for you. Our social media platform has grown significantly in the past three years and our followers are all people you will relate to. On this site, you'll find examples of previous projects, and leave us a message.

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